LG LED – Retail
LED in the Retail vertical
Here you will find all the information surrounding the Retail vertical, from requirements to user scenarios and suggested models
Where can LED be applied in the Retail vertical?
What is required of an LED screen in the Retail vertical?
- Flexibility for sizes and design
- High- brightness
- Small footprint to adjust to the provided structures
- High-reliability as these are installed in public spaces
- Easy maintenance
- Monitoring capabilities
- Great picture quality
Scene1 : Retail Indoors and venues with natural lighting

- User-friendly design
- wide variety of pixel pitch options
- Ability to blend in with the structure
- Easy to install and service
Recommended product – Retail Indoors and venues with natural lighting

LAS-V Compact Series
- 1000 nit brightness
- 8000:1 contrast ratio
- Front serviceability
- IP5X rating
- 2.5 and 3.9 mm available pitch sizes
- Features magnetically-attachable unit cases with quick-lock systems to facilitate easy installation.
- The LED unit cases are attached via magnets for easy installation. Moreover, lock handles on the top and sides make the cases easy for even one person to set up and dismantle.
- Front module removal possible through a magnetic tool
- The center enclosure on the back of the product conveniently includes a power supply module, receive card, and hub card, making it easy to maintain the components.
- You can easily check power and signal status through the status button on the outside of the unit case (alternates between red and green). The button shows test patterns, eliminating the need to connect the source.
Scene2 : Curved indoor

- The screed should be flexible in order to create immersive scenarios with the structure
- Enough brightness to be eye-catching in large venues where artificial light comes from different sources
- Picture quality capable of catching the public’s attention
- Protection from external objects’ ingress due to close distance to public audiences
Recommended product – Curved indoor

LAC Curved Series
- The LAC Curved series supports both concave and convex curved formats. It is highly flexible, ultra-thin, super-light and features full black LED.
- Design Flexibility: Each unit case can be adjusted up to 20 degrees with five angles and supports a curvature of up to 1,430 R, offering a truly curved design. Only 18 panels are needed to build a circular screen with a diameter of 2.864 m.
- 1200 nit High Brightness: Installed in a large venue with natural or indoor lighting, this high-brightness product immediately captures the audience’s attention and effectively delivers your message.
- IP30 Secured Design: Despite being built for indoor use, this IP30-rated product offers extraordinary durability. IP30 offers ingress protection from solids that are Φ2.5mm or larger for the LED unit case.
- Front or Rear Serviceability
- Attachable Power and Control Modules: Power and control modules attached to the unit cases can be removed easily, making it easy to fix problems that may arise.
- Simple Magnetic Connection: Magnetic connection is applied for fastening and easy service with positioning pin between two units.
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